
The Word Learning Cycle

17 February 2017

This study will investigate the effects of short periods of cycling and rest on learning and memory. If you are eligible, you'll be asked to attend 2 sets of learning and memory sessions. Each set is an hour and twenty minutes on the first day, and 10 minutes at the same time the following day. The two sets must be at least a week apart. You'll be asked to wear an accelerometer (a device like a pedometer) in between sessions, and complete a physical activity questionnaire.


Ethical approval

(Ethical Approval Number: 17-0053; Date Approved: 06-Feb-2017)

About the researcher

I'm a PhD student at the university of Leeds, and I'm interested in how we learn and remember information. I want to find out the best things to do after learning to "make it stick" in the long term.

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