
£45 fMRI and TMS study looking at the brain's function in imagery!

05 February 2020

This is a combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study in which you will be asked to perform button-pressing tasks inside the scanner (first session), and perform a linguistic task while undergoing TMS (second session). We are interested in how the brain makes use of imagery during basic tasks. You will receive £45 for your participation, as well as copy of your brain scan! The task takes place on two separate days.


Ethical approval

This study has been approved by the UCL Research Ethics Committee (UREC), with approval number #16361.001

About the researcher

Gwijde Maegherman is a Doctoral Candidate at UCL with several years of fMRI and TMS experience. His main interest areas are in language and speech, specifically in motor imagery of speech and language.

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