
Name recognition survey

02 May 2019

The survey is part of a King’s PhD project and aims to see whether people have perceptions of sex and ethnicity about names, and if so, what these perceptions are. It asks people to determine the sex and ethnicity of a list of different names, and then provide some information about themselves.
(Tip: Use a laptop/desktop computer, and select the option to view names as separate questions rather than in the table format to prevent scrolling up/down for table headings).


Ethical approval

KCL Research Ethics Committee Reference Number: MRM-18/19-7799.

About the researcher

Mursheda is a PhD student based at King’s College London exploring sex and ethnic diversity within regulated professions in the UK. Her project is titled “"profiling UK regulated professions by ethnicity and sex, and ways to improve their representativeness", and is supervised by Dr Grant Lewison (King’s College London) and Dr Doyin Atewologun (Cranfield University). Prior to this, she worked on a project at King’s for the European Commission in which she studied the research funding landscape of five non-communicable diseases across 31 European countries. She has a BSc in Psychology and MSc in Health Psychology, both from University College London.

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