
Using sensing technologies to track, monitor and understand fatigue

25 October 2019

This study seeks to understand how people living with symptoms of fatigue (for example prolonged fatigue, chronic fatigue, idiopathic chronic fatigue & ME/CFS) explore and analyse data from emerging sensing technologies for the purpose of self-reflection. We will provide a novel smartphone application and two commercially available sensors, Fitbit and NeuroSky MindWave, to record and review their recorded EEG data, heart rate, mood and fatigue ratings over a three-week period.


Ethical approval

This study has been approved by the University of Bath's Health department's Research Ethics Approval Committee (Reference: EP 18/19 028).

About the researcher

My name is Cillian Dudley and I am a final year PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science's Human-Computer Interaction group at the University of Bath. This project is supervised by Dr. Simon L. Jones (Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bath, UK)

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