
Parent-Child Learning & Engagement

03 April 2018

We want to observe how parents and young children interact when working on problem-solving tasks and how this develops as children grow up. We are looking for children and parents to visit us once a year for the next three years to take part in this important and exciting research project. You and your child will work together to complete some puzzles. These interactions will be video-recorded so that we can later code them. You will both also complete some simple questionnaires.


Ethical approval

This study has been fully approved by the School of Psychology Ethics Committee at the University of Kent. Approval was granted on 23rd March, 2018, and is valid for 3 years.

About the researcher

I am a Developmental Psychologist at the Kent Child Development Unit at the University of Kent. I am interested in young children's social and cognitive development.

Contact researcher

Academic study

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