
SWITCH Weight Management Trial

22 February 2018

This study aims to see whether a range of water-based drinks or drinks with sweeteners (such as diet cola, diet lemonade or other similar drinks) influence weight loss and weight maintenance over a two year period.


Ethical approval

This study has been approved by the University of Liverpool and NHS Ethics Committees on 28.06.2016.

Ethical Approval code: 16/NW/0347

About the researcher

We are asking people to take part in the study. If you choose to take part, you will be provided with a free structured weight loss plan for the first three months followed by free monthly personal lifestyle advice each month for the next nine months. You will then be asked to attend the Study Centre monthly for a further 12 months to complete questionnaires.

Participants will also gain knowledge regarding general wellbeing, including blood pressure and body composition measurements. Participants will also receive free drinks (either water or diet drinks) for the duration of involvement in the trial.

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