
The effects of intervention duration on emotion appraisals during pregnancy

31 May 2019

The current study will require participants to complete a series of online questionnaires, as well as take part in a self-paced online intervention, during the second trimester of their pregnancy. The opportunity to take part in a follow-up interview is also provided, where you can discuss how effective you felt the given intervention was.


Ethical approval

This study was approved by the University of Nottingham Psychology department Ethics Committee on 26th September 2018 (Ethics Approval Number: F1035R).

About the researcher

Dr Megan Barnard is a Teaching Associate based in the University of Nottingham's School of Psychology. Her research interested are focused within applied cognitive psychology, with specific interests on the effects of emotion on behaviour. She is working alongside Dr Sian Masson and Alexia Leachman to deliver the current project.

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