
PhD student wellbeing and 'grit'

14 April 2019

The study aims to examine if there is a relationship between ‘grit’ and wellbeing in PhD students, it will also look at whether this relationship differs between Arts and Humanities, and STEM subjects. Grit is passion and perseverance in the pursuit of long-term goals and has been shown to have a positive relationship with academic success. While student well-being is know to impact academic success this study will examine wellbeing itself as a measure of success during the PhD journey.


Ethical approval

This study has ethical approval from the University of Warwick

About the researcher

Having originally started my career as a researcher in the Biomedical Sciences I moved into research management and have spent a number of years supporting both staff and students to develop their research activity. I am now refocussing my own research activity on supporting the wellbeing of our PhD students.

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