
Migrant students' experience of ability grouping in Secondary English class

23 January 2017

The researcher wants to shed light on the lived experiences of migrants who were streamlined, setted or grouped by ability in English classes in secondary education in the UK. The aim of the study is to provide a platform to describe and reflect on their experiences as first generation migrant students. Considering UK's rich history of migration and colonialism, this subject appears insufficiently explored. Format: 30 min confidential individual interview, public location.


Ethical approval

This study has been approved by the Open University Social Sciences department on 12th January 2017. It will be conducted in adherence to the British Psychological Society Code of Ethics and Conduct. Written consent form will be used to ensure the consent to participation is fully informed. Initial participant screening for interest and suitability will be conducted via e-mail or phone, the interview itself will be followed by debriefing.

About the researcher

The reasearcher is a migrant student and migrant worker in their late 20s, completing a degree in Social Sciences this year. They aim to apply the academic research and knowledge developed during their degree in action for change of the education system. Their research work focuses on systemic opression and its manifestation in education.

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