
The Grandparent Naming Survey

25 June 2020

Granny and Pops? Nanny and Grandad? Grandma and Grandpa? What are the grandparents in your family called? Who named them and why? This study of English-speaking families in the UK explores whether styles of grandparenting and kinship relations are reflected in the names people use. We're also interested in whether lines of descent (mum's mum or dad's dad) affect the way families relate to one another.

At the moment, we're looking for grandparents and parents of grandchildren to take part.


Ethical approval

This study has been approved by the University of Bristol Faculty of Arts Research Ethics Committee (FREC) on 14th February 2020.

About the researcher

The lead researcher on this study is Jo Hickey-Hall and the overall project leader is Professor Fiona Jordan. We are part of a team anthropologists at the University of Bristol, working on a project called, Varikin: Variation in Language, Cognition and Social Norms Regarding Family.

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