
Peer Victimisation in UK University Team Sport

01 January 1970

Sport and physical activity can help to develop positive peer relationships, which in turn assists in the development of identity and social ability (Perron et al. 2012; MacPherson, Kerr & Stirling, 2016). On the other hand, negative peer relationships have the opposite effect on development and sustained engagement in sport (MacPherson, Kerr & Stirling, 2016). The aim of this proposed study is to understand the relationship between peer victimisation and engagement in university sport.


Ethical approval

Title of study: Victimisation in UK University Sport
Ethics reference: 169060895 /08122017
Date of submission: 06/11/2017
Date of Approval: 08/12/2017

I am pleased to inform you that the above application for ethical review has been reviewed by the Cross School Research Ethics Committee and I can confirm a favourable ethical opinion on the basis of the information provided in the following documents:

Ethics form 06/11/2017
Responses to feedback 07/12/2017

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