
How should your data, collected by the UK government, be used in research?

20 October 2020

The UK government collects a range of data on people to provide day-to-day public services. Researchers are keen to access this data as it could provide new insights into societal challenges. This could bring many benefits, such as more effective public services but there are also potential risks. This study aims to learn more about what people find acceptable and unacceptable about their data being used in research.


Ethical approval

This has been reviewed by, and approved by, the Social Sciences & Humanities Interdivisional Research Ethics Committee at the University of Oxford on September 8th 2020. The CUREC reference for this specific study is R71584/RE001.

About the researcher

I am Hannah, a PhD student at the University of Oxford, interested in the differences between what the law allows and what people find acceptable and why these differences may occur.

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