
What kind of boss do Gen Y/ Millennials and Gen Z prefer?

01 January 1970

I urgently need people born between 1981 -2000 to complete a 5 min survey as to how they prefer to be managed and led.


Ethical approval

Ethical approval has been approved by the University of Liverpool School of Management ethics committee on 7th September 2018.

About the researcher

The researcher has spent many years managing in Financial Services and decided to focus her MBA research project on generational leadership and designed a survey to give younger generations the opportunity to have their say on how they prefer to managed and led. With your help companies would be in a better position to accommodate younger generations by making the necessary changes and adapting their leadership, recruitment, training and development practices. Ultimately, you can personally benefit from this study as employers will be aware of what type of leadership you prefer and how you like to be managed, as opposed to the current situation where you have to try to fit in with an established company culture and management structure which you cannot relate to.

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