
Different ways men and women live through infertility treatment

10 May 2017

The purpose of this study is to investigate the experiences of couples undergoing fertility treatment at Nurture Fertility. If you agree to the study we would talk to you about your journey and, with your permission, video-record your consultations. The video would be used by the researchers and you would not be identifiable as your faces would be blurred. Your anonymity is guaranteed. We hope the study leads to improvements in fertility care and helps other couples through their journey.


Ethical approval

This study has received favorable opinion of the NHS Research Ethics Committee on February 2nd 2017 and is following the British Psychological Society's code of ethics

About the researcher

Eva Prikryova is a PhD student in the Psychology Division at Nottingham Trent University with interests in social and medical interaction, gender differences and infertility treatment. She is supervised by Dr. Sarah Seymour-Smith a senior lecturer and researcher at Nottingham Trent University whose expertise encompasses gender identity and health.

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