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Introducing location search

25 January 2019

We are releasing a small update to the study filters. From today, you are able to find interesting research happening nearby.

In order to find research happening nearby, navigate to our browse page, open up the study filters and choose the location. You have a choice between three options

  • Online studies only - these are studies that you can take part in online from the comfort of your home.
  • Physical studies only - these are studies that require you to meet with the scientist conducting the study.
  • Both - a mix of both

Location filter on Browse page

Location filter on Browse page

Physical location studies

You can find physical location studies by entering a place into the location search field. This works like Google Maps and finds most locations in the world. Next, use the distance slider to limit the perimeter within which from your entered location the study needs to be. And voila - the study listings area is updated.

Try it out now

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Call For Participants' mission is to provide a secure and trusted connection between researchers and participants, helping to increase public engagement and build a community of individuals interested in sharing and contributing to academic research. Learn more