
Is Your Voice the Result of Nature or Nurture?

11 March 2016

Have you ever wondered about the sound of your own voice? Does your voice sound similar to the voices of your parents or other relatives? And does that mean we can predict the voices of related people?
We are a team of multidisciplinary researchers asking questions about the role of nature and nurture in determining human voice and trying to find answers.. To do that, we need your help! Please take part in this quick and easy study and win an Amazon voucher for your time :)


  • Participants must be at least 18 years old.
  • You need a Firefox or Chrome browser and
  • A working microphone to submit recordings online.
  • To enter the prize draw you need to ensure at least one relative participates in the study as well (send email invitations to your family members as part of the the study).

Take part in this study


Ethical approval

This study has been approved by University of Nottingham Graduate School Interdisciplinary Funding Committee and School of Medicine Research Ethics Committee on the 14th May 2015, with amendments reviewed and approved on the 3rd June 2015 and 10th December 2015.

About the researcher

We are an interdisciplinary group of PhD students and post-doctoral researchers based at The University of Nottingham. This project is a collaboration between scientists working at the Advanced Data Analysis Centre, School of Medicine, School of Life Sciences and Human Factors Engineering. The main investigators in this project are Abdul Kader Kheirallah, a PhD student at the School of Medicine, and George Blundell-Hunter, a PhD student at the School of Life Sciences.

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Academic study

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Call For Participants' mission is to provide a secure and trusted connection between researchers and participants, helping to increase public engagement and build a community of individuals interested in sharing and contributing to academic research. Learn more