
Free school meals and grammar school attendance.

12 July 2019

The research aims to work directly with children and young people in Years 8-11 eligible for free school meals in both grammar schools and non-grammar schools.

I would like to gain their opinions and perspectives on their experience and well being as part of my Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology at The University of Sheffield. If you are a pupil who meets the criteria, or are the parent of a child that does, and would like to find out more, please do get in touch.


Ethical approval

This study has received full ethical approval from the University of Sheffield, School of Education, 16th May 2019.

About the researcher

Hi I'm, Emma, a student originally from South Lincolnshire and The Fens. I live in this area still and am studying at The University of Sheffield for a Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology,hoping to be able to contribute to the local community and educational provision for children and young people in the area.

Contact researcher


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