
How may coronavirus restrictions affect osteoarthritis risk in over 60s?

07 May 2020

Being physically active has many benefits including improving physical function and reducing joint pain. However, we don’t know how changes in activity, as we are currently experiencing due to the coronavirus restrictions, may be related to risk of osteoarthritis developing or worsening.

For this study we are looking for anyone over the age of 60 with or without osteoarthritis to complete an online survey about physical activity, sedentary behaviour and joint symptoms.


Ethical approval

This study has received ethical approval by the Loughborough University ethics committee

About the researcher

Benjamin Boxer is a doctoral researcher at Loughborough University with experience in conducting studies examining exercises for improving cartilage and bone health and the design of surveys studies.

Dr Katherine Brooke-Wavell is a senior lecturer at Loughborough University with over 20 year of experience examining the influence of exercise and other lifestyle factors on risk factors for age related diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

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Academic study

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