
Eye movements as a novel biomarker for ADHD

02 March 2023

The purpose of the project is to better understand Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and the specifically, we aim to first assess whether the condition is associated with changes to certain eye movements, called microsaccades, which are tiny eye movements that occur, without us noticing when we fixate or stare at something (Aim 1). We also aim to investigate whether behavioural programmes to alters eye movements can improve symptoms in ADHD (Aim 2).


  • You have a current diagnosis of ADHD either alone or with comorbid Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Depression or Anxiety
  • You live in the UK
  • You are aged 18-35 years
  • You have normal or corrected to normal vision with either soft contact lenses or glasses without an anti-reflective coating
  • You are comfortable not wearing eye make-up during the tests
  • If you take medication for ADHD, you have been on the same medication and dose for least four weeks

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Ethical approval

Ethical approval granted by Kings College London on the 9th February 2022 (Reference: LRU/DP-21/22-27210)

About the researcher

Prof Ellie Dommett leads the ADHD Research Lab at Kings College London.

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Academic study

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