
Boabab fruit on cognitve performance, cerebral blood flow and blood glucose

31 May 2018

This research aims to evaluate the effects of consuming baobab on cognitive performance. The research will also be assessing blood flow through the brain and blood glucose levels (optional part of the study). Cognitive function will be assessed using computerised tasks. Blood flow through the brain will be measured using a brain imaging technique called Near Infrared Spectroscopy, which is measured via a headband worn around the forehead. Blood glucose levels will be measured using finger


Ethical approval

This study and its protocol have received full ethical approval from the Department of Psychology Ethics Committee in accordance with the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences Ethics Committee

About the researcher

I am a current postgraduate student studying on the MRes at Northumbria University. I also work part time as a research assistant at Northumbria's Brain Performance and Nutrition Research Centre.

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